Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wanted to Kill More...

**UPDATE: While visiting the DailyKos I decided to count how many posts were written about Tiller's murder since Monday morning. TWELVE times. How many times was the shooting in Little Rock mentioned? None. NONE. (Pictured: Private William Long)

While the headlining story of the murder of Dr. Tiller still occupies all major news channels, only in Arkansas does the shooting death of Pvt. Long remain on the front page.

Let's think about this. The shooter of Dr. Tiller, Scott Roeder, targeted ONE man. ONE. He walked into a packed church and aimed at one man (though he had the opportunity to injure many more). Though it is terrifying and disgusting--there was only one target.

Abdul-Hakim Mujahid Muhammad told Little Rock police that the one private killed and the other wounded should have been a far greater number..."if only more had been present."

Let us examine this real quick. One man targeted for what Roeder believed to be criminal actions (killing unborn children). Multiple humans targeted for what Muhammad believed to be criminal (enlisting in the United States Army).


How did Obama react?

Well, for the death of Dr. Tiller, he issued a statement condemning "heinous acts of violence" within hours of the incident. U.S. Marshalls were assigned to protect abortion clinics and the fingers were immediately pointed to talk radio, blogs and Fox News.

For the death of an American soldier on American soil? Silence. Even, as Michelle Malkin points out in her article, "Climate of Hate, World of Double Standards," on Tuesday afternoon--more than 24 hours after the attack--when he held a press conference to announce his pick for Army secretary. SILENCE.

This is not something to take lightly. Muhammad wanted to kill multiple people based on political and religious beliefs. Roeder wanted to kill one person based on political and religious beliefs. The two people Muhammad shot were two *boys* he had never met--never heard of--never seen prior to Monday morning. The two people Muhammad shot were shot simply because of what they were WEARING. The one person that Roeder shot may have never met Roeder personally--but Roeder sure had heard of him in the past. Yet--Roeder's actions were "heinous" and Muhammad's inspired no comment.

From KATV (in Little Rock)

This man lost his son--and our President has released NO COMMENT. God Bless America, right Mr. Prez?


Moogie P said...

Such strength shining through unimagineable grief. Praying for peaceful hearts for that brave family.

Yeah -- our Commander in Chief is a class act.

Bob A. said...

The young soldier deserved respect, not to be murdered. Tiller was just a "late term abortion", you know. Obama favors the killing of those that survive an abortio, Well Tiller apparently survived being aborted. Good Riddance.
Bob A.