While I'm still taking a break...I had to share this with my blog pals.
While out Christmas shopping I "stumbled" across this book (ha. It was everywhere I turned).
I was suddenly hit with inspiration for a PERFECT Christmas present for The General. So, The Guy and I immediately snatched it up, took it home, wrapped it up all nice and pretty and placed it under the tree. Where it sat, patiently waiting for Christmas to come.
On Christmas Eve, The Guy and I proudly handed The General his Christmas present, which he opened, and stared at it with a confused expression. Then turned a sort of beet red color.
Me: "Merry Christmas! I figured the only person able to get away with such an atrocity would be me."
Tears poured from his eyes as he laughed harder than I've seen him laugh in years.
The General: "You ass holes."
Wishing every body a very Happy New Year...here's to 2009 and all it will bring for us to blog about!
Challenge, can anyone prove this wrong?:–
1. Constitution Article II requires USA President to be “natural born citizen”.
2. BHO’s website admits his dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen when BHO was born.
3. BHO is therefore not a “natural born citizen” (irrespective of Hawaiian birth or whether he may be a 14th Amendment “citizen” of USA) — as confirmed in the Senate’s own McCain qualification resolution agreed to by BHO.
4. Supreme Court has already docketed two upcoming conferences, 1/9/09 and 1/16/09 — between dates Congress counts electoral votes (1/8/09) and Presidential inauguration (1/20/09) — to address Berg Case and fashion relief on BHO’s eligibility to be President.
5. Since no facts are in dispute, Supreme Court rules on Summary Judgment to enjoin BHO’s inauguration as President.
6. Therefore, BHO is not inaugurated as President.
7. Vice President Elect Biden is inaugurated Acting President under the 20th Amendment to serve until new President is determined — the procedure for which determination to be set out by Congress and/or the Supreme Court so long as in conformance with the Constitution.
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