Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rumor Mill...

A couple of coworkers and I were having a grand ol' time yesterday--as we were receiving email after email talking about how fantabulous that ol'Obama is. He is so fantabulous that in 1988 he lent $100 to a stranger in the Miami airport (never mind that he was a law student at Harvard--and what law student do you know that has $100 to give to a complete stranger, let alone a family member or close friend)... Why was he in Miami you ask? My coworker states it best: "Maybe he didn’t just use drugs, maybe he sold them as well… he was in Miami for the pick up. Yeah, that’s it. I think we’re on to a new internet rumor." He ends his email with "send this to 20 of your friends or you'll have 4-8 years bad luck." Love it. Couldn't have thought it up better myself!!