Friday, March 6, 2009

The Right to Bear Arms

In today's Rasmussen Reports there is a headline that reads "75% Believe Constitution Guarantees Right To Own A Gun."

My question is...what the hell is wrong with the other 25%?

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects a right to keep and bear arms. The meaning and scope of this right has been described as among the most contested of the rights codified in the Bill of Rights. It reads, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

From Rasmussen: "Just 14% say gun ownership is not a constitutional right. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure. "

What part of "the right of the People to KEEP and BEAR arms shall not be infringed" does that 14% of the country's IDIOTS think is not a constitutional right for gun ownership?

As for the 11% that is "not sure." They shouldn't be allowed to vote. Period.

With that said, my daddy got me my very own gun for my 28th birthday. Yes sir'ee.


nanc said...

they're afraid of the well-armed militia - with all the taxing without representing they intend to do at the disgust of the citizens they should be afraid.

Anonymous said...

I have blogged about this before, so I won't waste time explaining that when the Founders were drafting this, militia meant a group of citizens, not an organized military unit. So all those idiots who argue (in spite of the Supreme Court's clear holding in Heller)that the 2d amendment was intended to arm the National Guard are, well, idiots! (Or at least historically challenged)
And By Damn I did buy my daughter a handgun for her birthday! You know you're a redneck if .....