Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This and That

Who Does That?
(**sidenote: The second picture is from The Office. It reads: Assistant of the Regional Manager**)

Me: I didn't realize the President Elect was an actual position that warrants a sign.

The CoWorker: I didn't either, but it matches his custom presidential seal. Total disrespect for W if you ask me. think? Yet, people can be kicked off football teams, fired from jobs and suspended from school for even THINKING a negative thought about the O. It's disgusting, the double standards the libs set for the rest of the country. I wish they would all move to California and leave us alone.

And Then a Little Bit of This...

Headline: Obama Names Bill Clinton to Presidential Post (thanks Treacher...this was a great laugh)

Me: This is great.

The CoWorker: That's pretty funny. I wish it were true. --Did I just say that I wish Clinton were President again?, CoWorker you did. You did just say that. (and yes...we are keeping it positive this week--visualize dancing snoopy emoticon here)

In Your Face Michael Moore...and all you other LIBBYS


Anonymous said...

Fortunately I happen to work for a large global corporation whose parent holding company is not owned by Americans.

This means they dont have to worry about pissin off the Osuka. They made presentations to all management people in the US divisions and came right out and told us that if we knew what was best for the business, we would vote for McCain. ;)