Friday, February 27, 2009

American Tea Parties.

The press can't ignore the 58+ Million that did not vote for President Obama too much longer.

Check out Michelle Malkin's blog for more details.

Lest we not forget what our founding fathers accomplished.

Cities throughout the United States hosting their very own tea parties:

Washington, DC

New York City, NY

Philadelphia, PA

Boston, MA

Hartford, CT

Buffalo, NY

Jackson, Mississippi

Atlanta, GA

Fayetteville, NC

Shelby County, AL

Calera, AL

Greenville, SC

Columbia, SC

Tampa, FL

Orlando, FL

Fort Meyers Beach, FL

Sarasota, FL

Nashville, TN

Chicago, IL

Wichita, KS

Kansas City, KS

St. Louis, MO

Springfield, MO

Tulsa, OK

Oklahoma City, OK

Cleveland, OH

Lansing, MI

Houston, TX

Ft. Worth, TX

Dallas, TX

Seattle, WA

Vancouver, WA

Portland, OR

Denver, CO

Phoenix, AZ

Sacramento, CA

San Diego, CA

Los Angeles, CA

IF YOU LIVE IN ANY OF THESE AREAS make sure you make your way out there. Michelle's site list specific details as to where/when/what the event is for each city. My own "area of residence" is not calling for a party until later this spring...

Let's see the press ignore us THIS weekend!!