Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Hampshire Legislation

Wow. I stumbled across a link to this news on Ace of Spades.

New Hampshire Files First Shot of Civil War?

Well, not trusting the words I was reading, I ventured out to google and searched for "new hampshire legislature, 2009."

First hit back was legistlative piece HR0006: A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles.


nanc said...

i linked the original article here - beware, not a conservative friendly site, but the owner is a very fairminded liberal. if you do visit, please do not be alarmed at some of the names i'm called. do not leave a link back to your blog or you'll be troubled with trolls - otherwise it's great fun over there!

Southern Girl said...

nanc--how can you stand to read that your Anti-American when those same people burned flags, spoke horrific things about the President just months ago and seem to think that just because THEY are bleeding hearts, we all should feel that EVERYONE is entitled to live beyond their means, on someone else's dollar.

I can't stomach that anymore. I am just too disgusted.

How come no one has mentioned that NH is a BLUE state?!?

How come there are no red flags popping up...something is wrong if states are starting to want to declare Jeffersonian resolutions. Kind of like a "just in case" this dude really does turn out to be as psychotic as all the psychiatrists, etc. have predicted...

Zelda said...

And here I thought it would be Texas. :-)

Southern Girl said...

You know Z--that was my exact thought!! It makes it a bit more frightening that a blue state--such as NH--is the first to want a Jeffersonian solution...

Southern Girl said...
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