Thursday, September 3, 2009

Excuse me Feds, Stay OUT of my neighborhood!!

Ok, so I'm actually going to post a link out to American Thinker Blog rather than provide all the research on this blog. Rick Moran breaks it down quite well, and to be honest, I just don't have much time to be blogging, as I'm supposed to be calling on customers at this moment (that would be what we call PROCRASTINATION. Yes, I'm really, really good at it!!).

A couple of problems here:

1. This opens up a nice little loophole for the Feds to find something else of ours to tax. "You made too much money at that yard owe US 10%"

2. This should be a state job. The feds are getting WAY TOO BIG and WAY TOO GREEDY.

I understand the need to prevent faulty or recalled toys from continuing to circulate--but come on. This just seems underhanded and sneaky. They want their hands in everything. Down to our yards.

What's next?