Friday, January 16, 2009

Salary Worthy?

So, last night I was sitting with The Social Worker, watching W give his final address...and we started chit chatting about the upcoming family. She said, "did you hear about Michelle? People are actually PUSHING FOR A SALARY for her."
Actually, as much as I float around the internet, I have actually managed to bypass this information. Until this morning. Google "Michelle Obama, First Lady, Salary" and 397,000 hits appear. Now, I'm sure that some of those hits are from blogs like mine, that are absolutely APPALLED by the idea, but then some of these hits come from legitimate news sources (well, I probably should go as far as saying legitimate).
Poor thing has to take a "sabbatical" from her career. To be First Lady. Of the greatest nation in this world. Yep. My heart really goes out to her. They're going to be making $400K/year, plus receiving food and shelter essentially for FREE and people are proposing that the First Lady should have a salary?!? I'm sorry--is $400K not enough for the Obammys? Because I'm pretty sure I could figure out a lot to do with that kind of annual salary.


nanc said...

it's enough to p*ss off the good humor guy!

Southern Girl said...

I'd say so...I'm trying to devise a plan to keep MY money out of the Obammy's pockets...haven't gotten very far, but one day, genius will strike me!

Anonymous said...

And in case you didn't know, Michelle Obama is dragging her mom with them to live at the W.H. So, we get to pick up her tab as well.

nanc said...

figure your taxes to a gnat's hiney - give to charities you wish to see prosper throughout the year and break even at the end. that's the best advice i have to keep tax dollars out of the hands of those with OPEN hands!

there has never been a better time to tithe...jez sayin'...

Southern Girl said...

well, I don't know about you, but I'm super excited about paying for grandmas and wive's salaries. Super excited.

Anonymous said...

Hi Southern Girl,
I have seen that but guess will have to look further. Maybe she can be commander of the Obamajugand ie the Obama Youth Corp. ie The Obama Youth Party.
She will probably do just what all prior first ladies have done, with the exception of wanting to get paid for it. This is change Obama style, Chicago style.
Bob A.

Unknown said...

Miz O's logic suggests that my husband's employer should pay me a salary because I had to give up my job as a professor to follow him to New Orleans. I like it!