Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Paris rejects 'Obama-style' stimulus program

This weekend I posted about how Great Britain is starting to see the light when it comes to giving Parliament too much power.

This morning, I open my Outlook to find an email in my inbox titled, "Obama too liberal for France?!?" (click the post title to see the article)

Ok--is that a joke? Have we seriously just elected a President that is too liberal even for the liberal Parisians?

"It would be irresponsible to chose another policy, which would increase our country's indebtedness without having more infrastructure and increased competitiveness in the end," [Prime Minister Francois] Fillon said in a speech in Lyon.

It would be IRRESPONSIBLE to spend more money when we're already in so much debt. What a crazy idea.

Maybe we SHOULD follow the example of other countries (before we make our own mistakes). After years of socialism and liberalism, I think some countries are finally starting to see that the choices they've made could possibly be more trouble than they are worth.

THE COWORKER: "It's getting hard for me to hate France with Nicolas Sarkozy as their President."

Amen Coworker, Amen.


Unknown said...

All this financial folderol is so deep that we're going to need a submersible to wade through it -- hip boots wouldn't help a whit.

Lest we think anyone is ever "out of power" -- they simply must get caught in the right cookie jar before we can show them an exit. You'll note I didn't say "THE" exit.