Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why Do You Hate America?

I lost count how many times I was asked that question yesterday. And do you know WHY I was asked that question?
I am not a Barack Obama supporter.
I am a hater. I hate the United States of America--because I do not agree with what Barack Obama has proposed for this nation.
I am not a part of the 53% of Americans that voted for BO in the 2008 election.
I was however, a part of the 51% the voted Bush in to his second term.
Yet, because of that 2% difference, in 2009, I hate America.
Because I don't believe the government should tell me how to spend my money, how to volunteer or how to live my life, I hate America.
Because I don't agree with 53% of America, I hate America.
Explain that rationale to me?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I *hate* America too! LOL

Anonymous said...

The left doesn't even realize that America isn't what they love. They love the ideology currently in power. That's why their opinion of America changes every 4-8 years. That's pretty schizo.

We can take comfort in the fact that we're consistent; consistent precisely because we ALWAYS love our country.

nanc said...

the new america is going to love the rest of u.s. to death.