Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Depression Lurks Among Us

SG: Well folks, the time has come...lessons learned from past mistakes have been long forgotten and we are repeating cycles. We got too cocky, too confident and way too selfish, and now we are finding ourselves in a horrible situation. All you bleeding hearts will bleed no more. We won't have the money to give to other nations or to our own charities and foundations.

The Gen: We are close to entering a depression, so folks ought to be in cash, treasuries, debt-free, and if their house is overpriced or close, think about selling unless they can't do better elsewhere.

Click here or post's title for article and hold on...this is gonna be a bumpy ride.

**SG: My financial advisor believes the WORST thing you can do is go all cash or treasuries...that will for sure put the market in a nose dive...and my FA compares it to hiding money in a mattress. Sure--you get that cash but there is no interest. And cash is worthless these days because of inflation. Finally, my FA strongly--HIGHLY--recommends taking your money out of the big Banks and moving to small, local banks. The Feds don't have their hands on that...yet.