Thursday, April 9, 2009

National Tea Party

I truly do not believe this is a partisan issue--but rather an American issue that needs to be addressed. Now.

What has been happening the past 8 months is a travesty and should not be allowed to continue. Speak Up AMERICA on April 15, 2009, and don’t stop until we get results.The spending is getting beyond absurd and the corporations that keep asking for bail outs need to be told "NO!" If you or I failed at our job we would be fired...not handed a bonus. Which is what bailing these companies out...with OUR tax dollar, is essentially doing, giving them another chance to waste more money.

Toby Marie Walker is a Tea Party organizer from Waco, Texas. She says, “Our representatives have forgotten who they represent, what the Constitution says, and that WE are THEIR boss. We surround them, we put them in office and together we can send them home.”

It is time to remind our Representatives (REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRATS AND INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVES of all shapes, sizes and colors) what their job REPRESENT us--the average Amerian Tax Paying citizen.

April 15th marks the day. It is time to no longer remain silent. Join me my fellow Americans...

Find your local tea party here or here.

Michelle Malkin does a great job at covering the ins and outs of the National Tea Party on her blog.


nanc said...

i'm trying to be unbiased in my choice of placard, but it's difficult at best when we both know which party collects the most benefits of a socialist agenda - *;]

i had a progressive liberal endeavouring to tell me how we should all remain peaceful on teaparty day. BWAH!

Moogie P said...

I'm leaning toward, "What Would Jefferson Do? NOT Bill Jefferson!" (Dollar Bill is my recently-defeated Congressman currently under federal indictment for bribery.)

Peaceful? Yes we should remain peaceful, but we should also be emphatic. Too much is too much.