Our leading example of why this would work "so well?" France. Last Wednesday, 500 workers went on strike at the Eiffel Tower, causing the Tower to close. The cause? The want for increased wages. Never mind how much it costs to run the tower (electricity, etc.). It's just not fair that the ticket costs went up but no one's hourly rate did. The workers are, of course, unionized.
Because I'm SURE with the Global Warming and all they don't charge an arm and a leg to run this thing: Hmpf. I don't suppose they could just fire the punks and ask the 7.9% of frenchmen that DON'T HAVE A JOB if they wouldn't mind running the elevator at the Tower?
Can we just imagine what life will be like once Unions get their hands on every facet of the work force? We will be waiting in line to see the Grand Canyon...or maybe waiting how long for an ambulance? Grant it, they have lost the card check battle for now, but I believe these Union bosses are still in the War--they won't give up anytime soon. And, if we allow our "representatives" (and POTUS) to continue the way they're going...we will see Unions running our country in no time at all.
SG RANT: I'm so tired of all these entitlements both in and outside of the workforce. I'm ready for these people to get bitch slapped and realize that you DO HAVE TO WORK (and sometimes for *gasp* minimum wage) for most things and you do have to learn to LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS.
Needs: Shelter, Food, Clothing. Wants: EVERYTHING ELSE. If you only make $20,000/year, well, don't go buy those $200 jeans. Ummm-kay? I just have a problem with the fact that when I started (with a college degree mind you) in the work force I was WELL BELOW the "poverty" line. Yet, never even applied for food stamps (though my mother highly suggested it). I lived within my means--wanted for EVERYTHING...received everything I needed.
*editors note: Don't have actual reference for the $200 jeans statement, as this was verbally said and not recorded by any media...because what poor soul would buy jeans that they can't afford? NEVER an American that has been taught to be dependent on our Welfare system, which by the way, is NOT an entitlement, either.
I know...a little all over the place this morning...but what can you expect after such a peaceful weekend with family and friends...only concerning myself with the thought of what my Saviour, Jesus Christ, did for me and you all those years ago.
Happy Belated Easter to Ya'll!!
You were raised to have a very good work ethic.
I've long believed that Unions have outlived their purpose and now exist simpy to self-perpetuate. My mother-in-law was a union member and my sister-in-law and her husband are dyed-in-the-wool card-carrying members, but I never saw the unions do anything for them, except help to export their jobs to another state. Maybe give them a sense of belonging -- church can do that, or a reading group or gardening club.
French socialism is a prime example of rotten-at-its core. Sometimes I regret saving their sorry asses from the Nazis.
I guess now we have to save our own sorry asses from the Lib-socs. I hope we have the courage.
Oh, and BTW -- card check ain't dead -- it's just napping until we're distracted. Be vigilant!
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