Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Old Glory

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." My name is SouthernGirl (ha. Had to throw that in there...habit from my grade school days).

Oh our flag and what she represents. I love her. I treat her with the upmost respect at all times. I am broken hearted that there are so few of us out there anymore with that upbringing.

The red stripes and white stripes together represent the original 13 colonies that gained us our LIBERTY that we so much take for granted these days.

The red stripes remind us of the lifeblood of brave men and women who were ready to die for our country.

The white stripes remind us of the purity and cleanliness of purpose, thought word and deed.

The blue is for truth and justice, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens.

The stars represent the fifty sovereign states of our union.

The American Creed states, "it is my duty to my country to love it, to respect its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."

Does anyone learn these values anywhere beside Boy Scouts these days?


Chester said...

Thanks for the shout-out to Boy Scouts. As an Asst Scoutmaster and Venture Crew Advisor,I can tell you that Scouting is indeed one place that respect for flag and country is taught and expressed.

At our Council summer camp, there is a retreat ceremony every night before dinner where the flag is taken down and folded, with the entire camp standing at attention.

And yes, there are still some of us who were taught these values as children, yet I am appalled at the number of people who have no clue at all how to show respect - at sporting events, etc.

Moogie P said...

Indeed, it is sad commentary on our society that attendees at sporting events, etc., must be prompted by the announcer to stand and remove their hats during the national anthem.

The Flag proudly flies over my front porch.

nanc said...

sogirl - all this begins at home and you would not believe what my teens tell me about other teens and their home lives - it's downright ugly - in band, they pray before games, but there are always two or three who drag their cell phones out just for rudeness.